Narrow linewidth
Central wavelength tuning within ±40 pm

Narrow linewidth
Central wavelength tuning within ±40 pm
MOPA lasers system (MOPA – Master Oscillator Power Amplifier)
For the treatment of cardiovascular disease
Thyratron Switch
Power stabilization
Built-in energy detector
Premix gases
Computer control
Very high repetition rate up to 6 kHz
High average power up to 160 W
HV Solid state switch
Power stabilization
Computer control
High pulse eneregy
High average power
HV Solid State Switch
Power stabilization
Built-in energy detector
Built-in energy oil-free vacuum pump with halogen filter
Premix gases
Computer control
High pulse energy
Thyratron Switch
Power stabilization
Built-in energy detector
Premix gases
Computer control
High beam pointing stability
High beam position stability
High repetition rate
HV solid state switch
Compact design
Built-in energy oil-free vacuum pump with halogen filter
Built-in energy detector
Power stabilization
Computer control